Personal Injury Law

Our firm recovers money that clients deserve for their pain and suffering, as well as money needed for car repairs, medical bills, and loss wages.

Criminal Defense Law

Our firm defends those accused of criminal misconduct (felonies or misdemeanors) and those suspected of drug offenses.

Manning Law Firm

The Manning Law Firm aggressively fights for clients injured in car accidents, truck accidents, company vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, and workplace accidents. We have built a reputation for securing record-breaking results for personal injury victims.

Our Team Has

proven results

in our cases

Car accident was settled for $75,000 in 2021. Plaintiff was in an accident and as a result Plaintiff suffered several injuries.

Workers compensation claim settled for $95,000 in October of 2021. Plaintiff was injured at work and needed medical treatment.

We are here to Help You

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Real People with

real cases-real wins!

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