Real Cases-Real Wins!

Cases We Handle



A car accident can be a life-changing event. This is a very difficult time for those involved. The very last thing people want to worry about and deal with is a financial problem caused by accident or talking to an insurance company. This is where we can help.

We have been handling car accident claims and have earned a reputation as one of the most successful law firms in the country.

Our job is to collect all the evidence to prove your claims and then present your best case to a possible insurance company; and, if necessary, the judge and jury.



Being injured at work can be a life-changing event. This can be a very difficult time for those involved, especially if the employer and compensatory worker are trying to minimize injury to the employee.

The last thing affected workers worry about is the financial problem caused by the injury and the connection with the insurance company. This is where we can help.

If you are injured at work, you are entitled to compensation, no matter who is at fault.

Unlike other personal injury cases, you will not have to prove your employer did nothing wrong with your injury. Instead, you simply have to prove that you are an employee (not an independent contractor) when you were injured and that the injury occurred during your work.

In an employee compensation claim, the employer’s insurer will be required to pay the following:

  1. Medical costs
  2. Part of your lost wages
  3. Retraining costs
  4. Compensation for permanent injuries
  5. If the injury results in death, dependent family members may be eligible for monetary compensation

Manning Law Firm has experienced attorneys for this kind of litigation. We will look into all the aspects of your case to ensure you secure compensation fast.

Big Truck


Trucks are heavily involved in most road accidents each year in the United States. Most of these accidents are deadly and result in severe injury. 1 in every 8 road crashes is a result of an accident involving a large truck. 

Unsurprisingly, most of the deaths and personal injuries involve passengers in vehicles hit by trucks. Truck drivers usually go unharmed. Ninety-eight percent (98%) of people who die in these types of accidents are people in small cars.

We can help you seek compensation after a truck accident case. Our firm is always ready to participate in litigation if the case does not settle for the appropriate amount under the law.



Motorbike accidents are quite common and can expose those on the bike to serious harm. If you are a passenger on a motorcycle or a rider, you have the right to sue the person responsible for the damage for compensation. If the accident results from a defective motorbike, you can sue the manufacturer for a defective product. 

At Manning Law Firm, we can handle your motorcycle accident case and ensure you secure your claim fast. We partner with experts to secure and assess the scene and gather the necessary medical records and evidence for your case. 



America survives and thrives when manufacturers introduce, manufacture, and market their products. This is a good thing. What is not good is when corporations profit from products they know are defective, harmful, and damaging to innocent people. The legal route is often the best way to hold these manufacturers liable for the harm they cause.

We have made top companies face juries and pay for the damage they have caused. Using our legal expertise in this area of litigation, we will help you secure compensation against manufacturers and other parties involved for selling or distributing products that have exposed you or your loved one to any kind of harm or damage. 



Are prescription drugs safe?

When a doctor prescribes medicine to help you manage your health problems, you trust it safe and effective. You certainly do not expect the medicine to be more harmful than beneficial. Pharmaceutical companies should not profit by selling drugs they know are defective and should certainly be held accountable when they do so.

We represent clients with injuries against top pharmaceutical companies. We will carefully examine your case to gather all the necessary evidence to help you secure compensation. Contact us if you are a victim of personal injury as a result of these factors.


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